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Young persons & children privacy notice

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Privacy notice for children and young people using our services

What do we record?

We record basic information about who you are, where you live, which service you are using, why you are using our service and about the work that we are doing with you. If it is relevant to the service we are providing we may also keep records on your health condition or financial position. We will not keep information that is not relevant to the service we will provide you with and will always let you know what information we collect.

Why do we need to keep files?

We keep records to record how we have worked with you, and they help us decide how best we can help you, as well as assessing how successful we have been in helping you. The legal basis for collecting this data is defined as a legitimate interest.

Who can see my record?

  • Staff at the service you use
  • Some senior managers at Thames Hospice
  • Official inspectors might look at your record and check that we are doing the work we are supposed to be doing and ensuring we are keeping accurate records
  • Representatives of the Local Authority or our NHS Commissioners, but only if there is a legitimate reason to do so. The representatives would only do this to assure themselves – and you – that our work is continuing as it should.

Sharing information:

We will seek permission from you before sharing your record with other services and professionals that work with you. We will always respect your wishes if you do not consent to us sharing information except:

  • When we share information with another agency as part of the contract for the service. We will tell you whenever this applies.
  • When we are delivering the service on behalf of another organisation; again we will explain to you what this means at the outset.
  • When we believe you are at risk, or where someone else may be at risk, for example child protection, safeguarding.
  • When we are legally required to share the information, for example following a court order.

How do I go about seeing my information?

You can see your records and receive copies at any time by completing a subject access request form and giving this to someone at Thames Hospice, who will pass it to our Data Protection Officer. Once the request has been received we will arrange for you to look through your file in the presence of a member of staff. If the information is stored electronically we will produce it in a format that is easy to read. Our Data Protection Officer can answer questions and note any changes you think should be made to the record. Once a Subject Access Request is received we must respond quickly. We will not charge you for this information.

Can any part of the file be withheld from me?

Sometimes the service receives information from someone (e.g. a Doctor) that is written in confidence. When this happens we have to obtain the agreement of the person providing the information before sharing it with you. On very rare occasions we might withhold some of the information because it could seriously harm you to see it. References to other people might also be withheld.

What happens to files when I stop using a service?

The file will be closed and kept by us for as long as NHS Guidance tells us to. It may be kept longer if policy or law requires this but will be kept for no longer than necessary. Throughout this time you will have the right to see the information kept on you.

If we are delivering the service on behalf of another organisation, then sometimes the responsibility for the files returns to that organisation at the end of the contract with them. We will always let you know when this happens.

Can I ask you to delete my information?

Individuals have the right to have personal data erased. This is also known as the ‘right to be forgotten’. If there is no legitimate interest or legal reason for Thames Hospice not to delete this information then you can ask us to delete any information we have on record. There are times when we are not able to do this in relation to a specific contract or where there are potential safeguarding issues.

What can I do if I am not satisfied with the process, or with what is in my file?

If you do not see your file within one month of asking to do so or have any other complaints about the contents of your file you can contact the Thames Hospice Data Protection Officer by email. 

You can also complain to the Information Commissioner for the Data Protection Act. The Information Commissioner’s contact details are:

Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or call 01625 545 745.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

"The Hospice makes a HUGE difference, and it has been truly eye opening."

- Sophia

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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