Thames Hospice has launched an urgent appeal to raise over £45,000 for 17 specialist pressure-relieving chairs for the Inpatient Unit. Many patients who stay at the Hospice are at high risk of pressure ulcers, as they are often too weak to move. The reclining chairs they need are designed to relieve pressure on muscles, reducing the risk of painful ulcers.
Sister Emma works on the Inpatient Unit at Thames Hospice. She said: "Together with my team, I'm dedicated to caring for our patients; we make sure that everyone who stays with us receives excellent care and can make the most of every moment, surrounded by those they love. One of the most important parts of my job is helping patients to feel comfortable. But right now, that's a challenge. Myself and my team here have decided to find a way to provide 17 new, high-quality, reclining chairs for our patients.
"The chairs are designed specifically for patients like ours. They are lightweight, they tilt back so patients can adjust them to exactly the right position and the leg rest rises, providing adequate support. The chairs also tilt forward, helping people who are very weak to stand up so that they can go to the bathroom or get into bed, with more ease. Crucially, they also relieve pressure on the body, meaning that the chance of developing pressure ulcers is much lower.
"The chairs will mean that our patients can join in more with what's going on around them; to sit up and draw, read a magazine or spend time with their family in comfort... all the little things that make life worth living."
These chairs will give tremendous comfort to people suffering from life-limiting illnesses, like Susie, who is being cared for on the Inpatient Unit after being diagnosed with a brain tumour. Susie spends the majority of her time in a chair.
Leon, Susies 18-year-old son, explains what the care and comfort at the Hospice means to them:
"Mum is usually in her chair when I go to see her. She finds it hard to move and needs the nurses to help her.
"She's safer at the Hospice than being at home, because she likes to do things on her own and she trusts the staff. I feel happy that she's here, because otherwise she would be miserable."
Any contribution you can make to this appeal will make a huge difference to patients like Susie, and their loved ones.
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