Thames Hospice supporter Lisa and her daughter Hope, are asking you to walk with them and remember a loved one at The Sunflower Walk, from 10am on Saturday 9 June.
The mum and daughter, from Dedworth, are supporting us in memory of Lisas Mum, who was cared for at the Hospice in 2014. Lisa explained: "My mum and I always supported Thames Hospice but it wasn't until we lost mum there, about four years ago, that we really saw the benefits of the care. Mum had bowel cancer and initially she was admitted for some respite and support with her medication, but she felt so safe and looked after, she kept saying to me I don't want to go home!
"It's a strange thing to say that I'm happy that she passed away at the Hospice, because death is never a happy thing, but I knew she was comfortable and happy there."
10-year-old Hope added: "It was very good when I was visiting my Nan at Thames Hospice, because everyone was making sure she was ok and they were all so nice. I used to play in the garden with my brother Thomas and it was a fun environment to be in."
Generously supported by John Guest, The Sunflower Walk is open to all ages and abilities. You can choose to walk a 13k, 6.5k or 4k route around Virginia Water, and registration includes a T-shirt for adults and sunflower deely boppers for children.
Lisa is urging people to support the event and said: "The Sunflower Walk is so important to us and helps us remember my mum. When she was poorly we would go to Virginia Water and push her wheelchair; she loved the peace and quiet and fresh air.
"We want as many people as possible to join us at The Sunflower Walk; it's got such a good atmosphere and I love the feeling of supporting an important cause that benefits the local community. It's a sad thing when you lose someone you love, but it's a good feeling when everyone comes together to remember them."
All funds raised through The Sunflower Walk help keep Thames Hospice running.
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