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Changes announced to hospice services and retail operations during lockdown

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Following the UK Governments latest announcement, Thames Hospice has made some significant changes to its services and retail operations to ensure it continues to protect patients, carers, staff and volunteers, as well as support the local community and NHS Trusts.

Inpatient care

The Inpatient Unit remains open, continuing to care for patients with palliative and end-of-life care needs, however there are new visiting restrictions in place:

Visiting hours on the Inpatient Unit are now 12pm to 7pm, Monday to Sunday, and restricted to two named people per family unless it is for patients at the end of life. All visitors must wear PPE, have their temperature checked and will be asked to do a COVID lateral flow test, as well as complete the track and trace form before visiting their loved one.

Day Therapy Suite

The Day Therapy Suite is closed, however Hospice staff remain in regular contact with patients to check on their physical and emotional wellbeing. The Advice Line is also available to patients and their carers 24-hours a day to provide guidance on symptom control, practical advice and emotional support. Please call 01753 848925 to speak to a Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Lymphoedema Services and Complementary Therapy

Lymphoedema services continue to be available for patients and complementary therapy treatments for inpatients at the Hospice.

Care at Home

The Palliative Care Response Team (PCRT) faces significant demand as they continue to care for patients with palliative needs at home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Patients and their carers can contact PCRT day and night on 01753 848925.

Emotional support

One-to-one counselling services are continuing but clients will be offered a telephone consultation. The Hospices Family Support Team is also providing support by telephone to any member of the family whose loved one is being cared for on the Inpatient Unit.

Hospice Café and Thames Hospice shops

Café by the Lake at the Hospice and all 22 high street stores are closed until further notice. However, the Home Studio and furniture collection service are still operating. Please contact the bookings line on 01753 866303.

The Hospice is also accepting donations at the distribution centre located at Unit 9/10, Reform Road, Maidenhead, SL6 8BY, Monday to Friday, 10am-3pm. To book a slot please call 01753 847304 or email us. The bookings line is open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.

Commenting on the changes, Debbie Raven, Thames Hospice Chief Executive, said: "These are incredibly challenging times for everyone but especially tough for families facing a terminal illness. The roll out of the coronavirus vaccination offers us hope and light and we will open everything up again as soon as we are able to, but for now our priority is the safety of our patients, their loved ones, our staff and volunteers.

"I am so proud of my frontline teams and support staff who have risen to the challenges with unwavering dedication and commitment, giving the best possible care and support to our patients and their families.

"I would also like to thank our wonderful community for their continued loyalty and support during these times. We've never needed you more than we need you today so please donate what you can to help keep hospice care available for those in desperate need now and in happier times which, I am confident, will return soon."

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