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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Counselling & bereavement support

We understand that it can be overwhelming when you or a loved one is diagnosed with a life-limiting condition or experiencing bereavement. Our Counselling Support Services are here to help you through this difficult time.

Whilst our patient care is very important, the wellbeing of their families and carers is too. If they wish to keep in touch, our door is always open - during and beyond the patient’s illness.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Support tailored to your needs

Our Counselling Support Services are available to all our patients and those close to them. We also provide bereavement support for families who have lost a loved one under our care. If you would like to talk about your counselling support needs, please call us on 01753 847300 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm).

Our services are free of charge to all those in our community who need us, but this is only made possible through the charitable support and generosity of our community. Find out more about how you can help here.

Donate today and every £ you donate will be matched!

Counselling & bereavement support

We have a professionally trained team of paid and volunteer counsellors to help patients and their families with emotional and psychological support when adjusting to the diagnosis of a life-limiting condition. When someone has died, we provide bereavement support through individual or group sessions, arranged at a convenient time. For some, supporting a charity in memory of a loved one can be a great comfort when going through a bereavement.

Spiritual support

We have a pastoral care team who provide emotional, psychological and spiritual support to help patients and their families. For those people with a religious faith or a non-religious belief, the team adopts a non-denominational approach. We also have an excellent local network of faith leaders and community representatives who are able to visit patients, if requested.

Children & families support

We have a team dedicated to supporting children and families who are referred to us. The serious illness or death of a parent can be devastating for children and young people, and brings multiple challenges into their lives. Thanks to a grant from BBC Children in Need, we have recruited two additional support workers with specialist skills for the better support of local children and families who are approaching or experiencing bereavement.

For further advice and information about supporting young people when experiencing bereavement click here.

Practical help

It can sometimes be confusing working out how to get the help one is entitled to. Our social workers are here to assist with any practical issues that arise and to liaise with voluntary and statutory agencies to support discharge from Thames Hospice. They can also suggest appropriate agencies for advice on benefits and funding for care packages.

You can find out more information about managing grief, stress and anxiety by clicking the link below.

Living with Dying podcast

Living with Dying is a new podcast about trying to break the taboos around death and dying. We'll all encounter death at some stage so why are we so shy of talking about it?

The podcast is hosted by Dilys Morgan, whose husband Michael Barratt was cared for at our Hospice. She says "When my husband Michael died last year I felt really lost. We'd been together 47 years and he was 19 years older than me - so I should have been prepared. But as I stumbled around trying to rebuild my life, I felt there was so much to learn, and I wished he and I had spoken about it more."

The podcast is now available to listen and subscribe to on your usual streaming platforms, or use the player to the right to catch up on the latest episodes.

Call us

Call us


Available: Mon-Fri, 8am - 5pm

01753 842121

Palliative care advice line

7 days a week, 24 hours a day

01753 848925

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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